
Sponsorship Grid

Particulars Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Number of free registrations 5 4 3 2 1
One-page-ad in conference bag Y Y
Industry speaking slot Y Y
Job fair participationsup 2 Y Y Y
Exhibition booth 5MX3M 4MX4M 2MX4M 2MX3M
90-second video*
(Video will be played in prominent location)
Logo (website, program booklet, banner) Y Y Y Y Y
Sponsorship package in INR ₹ 10 lakhs ₹ 8 lakhs ₹ 6 lakhs ₹ 4 lakhs ₹ 2 lakhs
Sponsorship package in USD $12000 $10000 $7500 $5000 $2500

Additional Opportunity

If your company would like to be an exclusive patron or if you do not see the opportunity you are interested in, please contact Exhibits Manager (secretariat@intelec2024.org)
Welcome Reception 4 Available
(Includes One Rerserved Table (2 Tickets)and Patronship signage)
₹ 2,00,000 /- $ 2250
Dinner Patron 4 Available
(Includes One Rerserved Table (2 Tickets)and Patronship signage)
₹ 1,50,000 /- $ 1690
Lunch Patron 6 Available ₹ 1,00,000 /- $ 1125
Lanyard Patron 1 Available
(exclusive patronship)
₹ 1,00,000 /- $ 1125
Awards Patron 4 Available ₹ 50,000 /- $ 560
Lunch Patron 4 Available ₹ 50,000 /- $ 560
Lunch Patron 4 Available ₹ 50,000 /- $ 560